
Let us build an ashram

Brick by brick, to serve the humanity Sannyasi Krishna Yogam

Spread yoga from door to door, shore to shore, said his Guru and Give thy neighbors as I gave you, said God to Swami Satyananda. For a long time, the karma yogis of the Satyananda Yoga Movement in Chennai, under the spiritual guidance of Sannyasi Krishna Yogam, have engaged themselves in fulfilling these twin mandates, with the available facilities.

The need for an ashram along the lines of Sivananda Ashram in Rikhia has been felt for a long time. And, now, with the blessings of the Guru Parampara, this is all set to become a reality. We have started the ashram project and the karma yogis have spurred into action contacting the disciples spread around the globe, reaching out to philanthropists, mobilizing funds, scouting for land etc.

Satyananda Ashram in Chennai

Our vision is to create an ashram, along the lines of the Sivananda Ashram in Rikhia, in every district of India and more.

Satyananda Ashram in Outskirts

Even as we have begun a hard and sincere work for the Chennai city ashram, we are also simultaneously working for a larger Ashram in the district surrounding Chennai city.